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Christ and The Epiphany


 Stewardship...is our responsibility to the Body of Christ represented by His Church to contribute our time, talent and treasure toward the management of its affairs.

The Biblical concept of Stewardship is God's people, distributing God's resources to accomplish God's mission. Our Faith tells us that all we have is not really ours but we are temporary stewards of His treasures, time and talents.

Stewardship applies to relationships as well as resources. It is not just about the church building but about the body that gathers to worship there. It is about being in community, working together and complementing one another's gifts and abilities. It is the way we use the gifts He has given us in order to benefit the people in our church and those around us.

Stewardship means focusing on God and not on ourselves or our materialistic needs and wants. Stewardship is about not worrying, but rather trusting in Christ who provides our spiritual and physical needs. It is how we put Faith into practice. Stewardship is recognizing God's sovereignty. It is an act of love, a response to God's love. We know that a good steward pleases God.

 Prayerfully consider how you can implement God's desires and His call for you to be a good steward of all the relationships, time, talent and resources in your life.

Christ and The Epiphany has many areas where you can pledge time and talents. Please consider volunteering!




Altar Guild




Feast and Festivities


Chalice Bearer

Healing Ministry


Nursery/Child Care


Youth Ministry

Sunday School



Fundraising (Fair, garage...)




For further information email: ChristandTheEpiphany@gmail.com or call the church office at 203-467-2310.